Graduation Rate: N/A
  • Location ID: OPEID: 021066-07
The graduation rate above was computed as a percentage and includes statistical data for all programs offered at American Institute. This report is updated annually as of July 1st and is available to all students upon request.
The graduation rate below was computed as a percentage and includes statistical data for all programs offered at American Institute in Cherry Hill, NJ. This report is updated annually as of July 1st and is available to all students upon request. The graduation rate represents all first-time, full-time students who enrolled from 9/1/20 to 8/31/21 and completed their program of study at American Institute within 150 percent of the published program length.

Graduation Rate By Category

Gender: Male N/A; Female N/A

  • Hispanic/Latino N/A
  • American Indian N/A
  • Asian N/A
  • African American N/A
  • White N/A
  • Unknown N/A
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander N/A
  • Two or more races N/A
Graduation Rates for Financial Aid Recipients
Federal Pell Grant Recipients: N/A
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan: The institution enrolled too few of such students to disclose or report with confidence and confidentiality.
Neither Federal Pell Grant nor Federal Direct Subsidized Loan: The institution enrolled too few of such students to disclose or report with confidence and confidentiality. The graduation rates above were computed as a percentage and include statistical data for all programs offered at American Institute. This report is updated annually as of July 1st and is available to all students upon request.
The graduation rates represents all first-time, full-time students, by gender, by each major racial and ethnic subgroup, by recipients of a Federal Pell Grant, by recipients of a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan who did not receive a Federal Pell Grant, and recipients of neither a Federal Pell Grant nor a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan. It includes students enrolled between 9/1/20 to 8/31/21 that completed their program of study at American Institute within 150 percent of the published program length.

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